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Beyond the Treasury: Hidden Gems of Petra

At the mention of Jordan's ancient city of Petra, we often conjure images of the Treasury (Al-Khazneh), which emerged like a mirage in the iconic film "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". Without a doubt, this is an astonishing marvel, but there's so much more to this UNESCO World Heritage Site than its most photographed structure. In this piece, we journey Beyond the Treasury to unearth the lesser-known gems of Petra.

Petra is both an archaeological site and a geological spectacle, beckoning you into a bygone era shaped by nature and human genius. To truly appreciate Petra's vastness, one must peel back the layers of its rock-cut architecture, coursing through winding trails and absorbing the story each monument tells.

1. The Monastery (Ad Deir)

Many who venture into Petra reach only the Treasury and then turn back, unaware of the wonders that lay further within. The Monastery, or Ad Deir, is one such overlooked spectacle. Much larger than Al-Khazneh, this colossal structure is nestled atop a mountain and demands a trek, but the grandeur witnessed on arrival makes it worth every step.

2. High Place of Sacrifice

For the more adventurous souls, a journey to the High Place of Sacrifice offers excellent panoramas of this rock-hewn city. A sacred altar once used for sacrificial rituals, this spot allows you to reflect on both the spiritual significance and architectural prowess of the ancient Nabateans.

3. Petra by Night

As the sun dips below the horizon, the city is plunged into an eerie calm. Lit only by the fluttering light of thousands of candles, walking down to the Treasury on the Petra by Night tour is eerily unforgettable. As you sit by the Treasury, sipping traditional tea under the stars, you feel you have stepped into another world, one that is brimming with history and mysticism.

Given Petra's expansive layout and the considerable distance between its many attractions, renting a car is a practical option for anyone keen on exploring at their pace. Solrentacar offers a range of cars for rent at reasonable prices. Whether you are landing at Amman International Airport or Aqaba Airport, you can pick up a car from the airport itself and drive yourself to Petra. They even offer low-cost deals like a Nissan Sunny for only 30 JOD per day from Amman Airport and a Toyota Yaris for just 35 JOD from Aqaba Airport.

4. The Royal Tombs

The Royal Tombs constitute another monument series often overshadowed by the Treasury in the popular narrative. Etched into the rose-red cliffs, they boast intricate facades and stunning views.

5. The Siq

The Siq, a narrow, twisting passage that leads to the city, is an experience unto itself. As you meander this natural sandstone corridor, with walls reaching 200m at some points, you realize that you are actually walking in a once-upon-a-time riverbed.

No matter how thoroughly you scour the pages of history, nothing quite prepares you for the sheer awe that Petra instills. Ancient civilization never felt so alive!

Every visitor to Petra embarks on a unique journey, guided by their curiosity and sense of adventure. Whether you’ve come to marvel at humanity’s achievements or cogitate on time and change, Petra never fails to stir deep and profound thoughts about our world – past, present, and future.

To wrap up, Petra is so much more than the Treasury. It's a timeless testament to human willpower, creativity, and the inexorable march of time. So why not explore Petra your way, at your pace? Book a car with Solrentacar today and take control of your journey through time.