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Nature Escapes near Antwerp

Have you ever found yourself yearning for some solitude, an escape from the cacophony of city life in Antwerp? Have you ever wished to immerse yourself in the sereneness of nature, to breathe in the fresh air and hear the soothing sounds of the wind rustling through leaves or birds chirping away melodiously? If so, there are several nature escapes around Antwerp that promise to indulge your senses, and rejuvenate your body and mind. Accessibility to these beautiful locations is made easy with Solrentacar, a trusted name when it comes to renting a car in Antwerp.

Hobokense Polder

The first on this list is the Hobokense Polder. This vast nature reserve is spread across 170 hectares and is a beautiful mix of swamps, grasslands, and forests. Exploring this area, you come across a rich variety of flora and fauna that further enhances your experience. You can find this natural haven in Hoboken, just a short drive from Antwerp city center. Here is the Google Map location for your convenience.

Kalmthoutse Heide

Another refreshing escape is Kalmthoutse Heide. Located on the Belgian-Dutch border, this cross-border park spans over 6000 hectares and is a characteristic heathland, offering stunning and ever-changing scenery throughout the year. From wintry frosts to spring blooms, summer shades, and autumn hues, Kalmthoutse Heide leaves you awestruck each time. You can find the location here.

Rivierenhof Park

If you're wondering about a location within the city itself, Rivierenhof Park is the perfect fit. This urban green oasis in Deurne district is a mix of authentic Antwerp's landscape, diverse leisure activities, and cultural experiences. It boasts picturesque picnic spots, stunning rose gardens, cosy taverns, and an open-air theatre. Check the Google Maps location for Rivierenhof Park.


The last one on this list is the Scheldekaaien. If you fancy a quiet stroll along the waterfront, this is the place to be. The river Scheldt has been a historical lifeline for various settlements and the city of Antwerp for centuries before turning into the quaint waterfront promenade that it is today. Its numerous pocket parks, pleasant cycling routes, and panoramic views of the river provide a tranquil nature escape. Here’s the Google Maps link to reach the Scheldekaaien.

These nature escapes near Antwerp can be an absolute delight, immersing you into the refreshing touch of nature amidst the bustling city life. While city life in Antwerp offers its unique charm, nothing beats the tranquility and peace that these green escapes have to offer, making them an absolute must-visit.

Traversing through Antwerp and exploring these natural havens could be made so much easier with a rented car. Solrentacar specializes in providing high-quality rented cars in Belgium for a worry-free and comfortable journey. Visit this link for more information, and choose the car that best fits your needs. Planning out these excursions in your rented car from Solrentacar, you get more flexibility and freedom to manage your time and get to see Antwerp from a different perspective.

So, the next time you seek a nature escape, make sure you keep these places in your itinerary, ready to soak up all that nature offers, and cherish those tranquil moments. And with Solrentacar, embark on a hassle-free journey, making those desired escapes into the soothing arms of nature a reality. Happy journeying!