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Welcome to Bruges, a medieval fairy-tale town in Belgium famously known for its charming canals, quaint cobbled streets, and beautiful architecture
Have you ever found yourself yearning for some solitude, an escape from the cacophony of city life in Antwerp? Have you ever wished to immerse yourself in the sereneness of nature, to breathe in the fresh air and hear the soothing sounds of the wind rustling through leaves or birds chirping away melodiously? If so, there are several nature escapes around Antwerp that promise to indulge your senses, and rejuvenate your body and mind
While wandering across the beautiful landscapes of Belgium, you might chance upon a quaint and picturesque municipality named Wommelgem
When it comes to arriving at the Brussels Airport Zaventem, the capital's main international gateway, many travelers don't realize all the practical facilities at their disposal

Stepping out of the plane and into the bustling, jet-fuel permeated air of an airport, the journey is only just beginning