Reykjavik Domestic Airport Car Rental

Latest car models ✓ Enjoy up to 40% discount ✓ No charge for cancellation
20% Discount

The vehicles in our rental fleet have an average age of one year.

Citroen C1 Citroen C1
No deposit
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€15 €12 for 7 days
Kia Picanto Kia Picanto
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€10 for 7 days
VW Polo VW Polo
No deposit
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€18 €15 for 7 days
Seat Ibiza Seat Ibiza
No deposit
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€18 for 7 days
Renault Talisman Renault Talisman
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€19 for 7 days
Seat Toledo Seat Toledo
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€19 €18 for 7 days
Mini Cooper Cabrio Mini Cooper Cabrio
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€42 for 7 days
Chevrolet Camaro Chevrolet Camaro
No deposit
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€63 for 7 days
Opel Mokka Opel Mokka
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€34 for 7 days
Volvo XC60 Volvo XC60
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€34 for 7 days
BMW 5 series BMW 5 series
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€50 for 7 days
Nissan Maxima Nissan Maxima
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€50 €45 for 7 days
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€118 for 7 days
Opel Vivaro Opel Vivaro
For 8 passengers
Free cancellation
€70 for 7 days
Renault Zoe Renault Zoe
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€33 for 7 days

What our customers say about us

Rate 4.8
Based on 4749 reviews

Popular Car Rental Locations

36.2 km
249.3 km
1.4 km

Average daily rates in Reykjavik Domestic Airport vary by month.

The statistics are derived from the pricing data of these car models: Nissan Juke, BMW 2 Series, Skoda Octavia, Audi A3, Volkswagen Passat.

The most popular travel destinations

Electric car rental in Reykjavik Domestic Airport

Operating an electric car is straightforward, and recharging them is fast. There's no need to worry about gas expenses exceeding your budget.
Chevrolet Bolt Chevrolet Bolt
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€33 for 7 days
Nissan Leaf Nissan Leaf
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€32 for 7 days
Renault Zoe Renault Zoe
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€33 for 7 days
Tesla Model 3 Tesla Model 3
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€82 for 7 days
Tesla Model S Tesla Model S
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€104 for 7 days

Popular questions about car rental:

Is it necessary to refuel the rental car before returning it?

When you collect the car, it has a full tank, and you should return it full as well. Make sure to check that the tank is completely full before driving off. If you bring the car back with less than a full tank, the rental company will fill it up and charge you a service fee.

Fuel Policy

Can a 9-seater Minivan be rented?

We have a variety of minivans and minibuses available, including the Mercedes Vito, Renault Trafic, and Peugeot Traveller. These 9-seater vehicles are popular among families and business travelers. To ensure availability, consider booking 1-2 months in advance.

Mercedes Vito

Do you offer one-way rentals?
Yes, you can easily rent a car from Reykjavik Domestic Airport and return it to a different office. Simply select the "return to another location" option in the search form when booking your one-way rental car, and then specify the city where you wish to drop off the vehicle. return a car to another location
What happens if I receive a fine when renting a car?
There is not much you can do to speed up the process. Generally, this is what happens: - The government issues the fine to the rental agency. - The rental agency verifies who was driving. - The rental agency charges an administrative fee. The rental agency will charge an administrative fee for processing the fine and providing your details to the traffic authority, and this fee will be charged to your credit card right away.
What is the minimum rental period?
The shortest duration to rent a car is 24 hours, with a grace period of 30 to 60 minutes offered by the rental company.

Our main advantages

Круглосуточная поддержка
24/7 Customer support
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Humans come first on our team. We will be more than happy to assist you.
Без дополнительных сборов
Free booking service with no fees or charges