Tartu Car Rental

New Autos at Great Prices ✓ Free cancellation ✓ Latest car models
Tartu 20% Discount

Estimated daily rates in Tartu

Citroen C1 Citroen C1
No deposit
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€15 €12 for 7 days
Fiat 500 Fiat 500
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€10 for 7 days
VW Polo VW Polo
No deposit
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€18 €15 for 7 days
Seat Leon Seat Leon
No deposit
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€18 for 7 days
Mercedes C Class Mercedes C Class
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€19 for 7 days
VW Passat VW Passat
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€19 €18 for 7 days
Mercedes E Cabrio Mercedes E Cabrio
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€42 for 7 days
Renault Megane Cabrio Renault Megane Cabrio
No deposit
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€63 for 7 days
Renault Kaptur Renault Kaptur
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€34 for 7 days
Volvo XC60 Volvo XC60
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€34 for 7 days
BMW 7 Series BMW 7 Series
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€50 €45 for 7 days
Jaguar XE Jaguar XE
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€50 for 7 days
Porsche Macan Porsche Macan
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€118 for 7 days
Opel Zafira Opel Zafira
For 7 passengers
Free cancellation
€70 for 7 days
Tesla Model S Tesla Model S
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€104 for 7 days

What our customers say about us

Rate 4.8
Based on 4749 reviews

How to Save on Car Hire in Tartu

Are you planning a trip to Tartu and considering renting a car? It's a smart move to shop around before making a decision. A great tip is to use a price comparison website to effortlessly scout out the most attractive deals for your car rental needs in Tartu. Did you know that many car rental companies in Tartu offer the convenience of one-way rentals? This is perfect if you're planning a linear journey and don't want to return to your starting point. Plus, these one-way rentals can be more budget-friendly than round-trip options.

Want to know a secret to snagging a bargain on your Tartu car rental? Book at least 20 days in advance! Early birds often get the best rates. And don't worry about commitment issues—most companies have generous free cancellation policies. Another perk to look out for is complimentary insurance options provided by the rental company, which can save you from unexpected costs.

As you browse your options for a car hire in Tartu, keep an eye out for fuel-efficient vehicles. They're not only kinder to the environment but also to your wallet. Always double-check the fuel policy to avoid any surprises. And here's a heads-up: verify whether the rental company requires a credit card deposit, especially if you opt out of full insurance coverage.

Finally, when you're ready to book your rental car in Tartu, make sure you have all the necessary information at hand. The age of the driver and the duration of their driving experience are crucial details. Be aware that some suppliers may have strict age requirements and could charge additional fees if you're younger than their specified age limit. So, it's best to be upfront to ensure a smooth rental experience.

Tartu Cheap Car Rental

Tartu Travel Guide

Top car rental points nearby

Tartu AirportAirport
8 km
158.2 km
246.6 km
Railway stations
Tallinn Baltic StationRailway station
164 km
129.1 km
163.2 km
247.8 km

Discover the Charm of Tartu, Estonia

  • Step into Tartu, Estonia's second-largest city, where the arts flourish and culture pulses through its streets. This cozy city invites you to explore its treasures, all conveniently nestled within walking distance of each other. From the bustling eateries to the lively nightlife, Tartu is a sanctuary for those who revel in cultural festivities and cherish intellectual pursuits.
  • Embark on a journey through time in Tartu's Old Town. Here, you'll find a collection of intriguing statues and monuments, each with a story to tell. Take a moment to read the bilingual plaques that accompany these historical gems. Don't miss the chance to visit the imposing Cathedral, a majestic gothic brick Lutheran church that stands tall over the city. Ascend the tower for a breathtaking panorama of Tartu's picturesque landscape.
  • With an abundance of sights to see, a two-day visit to Tartu will leave you with a rich impression of the city's heart and soul. The AHHAA Science Center, the Baltic States' largest science museum, is a must-see attraction that promises a world of wonder. The Old City also beckons with its myriad of landmarks, including the prestigious University of Tartu and the charming Tartu Town Hall Square.
  • For the star-gazers and history buffs, the Tartu University Observatory is a treasure trove of astronomical heritage. Established in 1810, the observatory boasts a unique moving tower and a collection of artifacts that echo the brilliance of nineteenth-century astronomy. Dive deeper into the mysteries of the universe with the observatory's captivating basement exhibition, featuring seismology wonders and hands-on learning experiences.
Tartu car rental comparison

Average daily car rental rates in Tartu

Based on the typical cars: Skoda Octavia, Mercedes CLA, Seat Arona, Volkswagen Passat.

The most popular travel cities

Electric car rental in Tartu

Solrentacar offers a premium electric car rental service in Tartu. Their fleet includes prestigious models such as the BMW i8, Tesla Model S, Tesla Model 3, Tesla Model X, Audi e-Tron, and BMW i3.
BMW i3 BMW i3
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€47 for 7 days
Nissan Leaf Nissan Leaf
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€32 for 7 days
Renault Zoe Renault Zoe
For 4 passengers
Free cancellation
€33 for 7 days
Tesla Model 3 Tesla Model 3
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€82 for 7 days
Tesla Model S Tesla Model S
For 5 passengers
Free cancellation
€104 for 7 days

Popular questions about car rental:

Do I need to refuel my rental car before returning it?

The cars must be returned with a full tank of gas. If not, the rental car agency will refill the tank and charge for the service. It is often cheaper to fill the tank at a local gas station before returning the car than to pay the rental company's per-liter rate.

Do you have a seven-seater minivan?

We have a variety of minivans and minibuses available, including the Mercedes Vito, Renault Trafic, and Peugeot Traveller. These 9-seater vehicles are popular among families and business travelers. To ensure availability, consider booking 1-2 months in advance.

Mercedes Vito

Can I make a reservation for a one-way car rental?
Yes, you can rent a car at one location and return it to a different one. However, consider these points: - A one-time drop fee might be included in the cost of some one-way rentals, on top of the rental rate. - The cost of the drop charge can differ based on the rental and return locations, as well as the season. - Often, a one-way rental may be more expensive than a round-trip to the same location.
What happens if I receive a fine when renting a car?
Your car rental company will either charge the fine to your credit card or give your information to law enforcement, who will send the fine to your provided address. It's advised to pay any fines before leaving the country to avoid potential issues such as being refused a car rental, denied entry, or having a visa revoked for future travel.
What is the minimum rental period?

The standard minimum rental duration is 1 day for standard vehicles and 2 days for luxury vehicles and minivans. Rental companies typically offer a 59-minute grace period before additional hours or days are billed.

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